My Daily Routine
- 미라클 모닝
- 새벽 책 읽기 1시간
- 'EBS 입이 트이는 영어' 본방송 듣기 (My First Granddaughter)
- 자기 전 '입트영' 낭독
- 부동산 공부
EBS 입이 트이는 영어 5월호
입트영 방송시간
본방송 [월~토] 06:40~07:00
재방송 [월~토] 25:20~25:40
[토~일] 19:00~20:00 (토: 월~수 / 일: 목~토)
입트영 다시 듣기 - EBS 반디
[월~토] 08:40(전일), 09:40(당일), 12:40(전일), 13:40(당일), 19:40(당일), 20:40(전일), 24:40(당일)
[토요일] 11:00~12:00(전주 월~수 재방) / 18:00~19:00(전주 목~토 재방)
[일요일] 19:00~21:00(종합 재방)
입트영 공부법
- 전날 스크립트 낭독 (06:10~06:20)
- 본방송 스크립트 읽어보기 (06:20~06:40)
- 본방송 듣기 (06:40~7:00)
- 스크립트 필사 & 중요 표현 암기
- 자기 전 낭독
- 주말 복습
My First Granddaughter
Today marks the 10th day since my first granddaughter was born. My wife and I teared up when we heard a few months ago that our daughter-in-law had struggled with infertility. At the time, we sincerely congratulated her and tried to comfort her.
I heard that our in-laws also cried their eyes out upon receiving the news of their long-awaited first grandchild. Both the baby and her mom are currently in a postnatal care center, and we can't see the baby in person. But, we can see her daily growth through an app. Sleeping, opening her eyes, or even yawning- every image of her is simply adorable.
I can't wait to hold my granddaughter in my arms. To do that, I must kick the habit of smoking right away. Thinking about the 100th-day celebration and first birthday party already fills each day with joyful anticipation.
Pattern Practice
1. struggle with intertity : 난임으로 고생하다
Our daughter-in-law had struggled with infertility.
며느리가 난임으로 마음고생을 많이 했다.
Many young couples struggle with infertility these days.
요즘은 수많은 젊은 부부들이 난임으로 고생한다.
The company offers benefits for employees who struggle with infertility.
난임으로 고생하는 직원들을 위해 회사에서 혜택을 제공한다.
2. see someone in person : ~를 직접 보다
We can't see the baby in person yet.
아직 아기를 직접 볼 수는 없다.
She's my favorite singer, but l've never seen her in person.
내가 가장 좋아하는 가수지만, 그녀를 직접 본 적은 한 번도 없다.
I changed my mind after seeing him in person.
그를 직접 본 이후로는 생각이 바뀌었다.
3. kick the habit of : ~하는 습관을 버리다
To do that, I must kick the habit of smoking right away.
그러기 위해서 당장 담배를 끊어야겠다.
I was unable to kick the habit of smoking, no matter how hard I tried.
나는 아무리 노력해도 흡연하는 습관을 고치지 못했다.
I have to kick the habit of snacking late at night.
밤늦게 군것질하는 습관을 버려야겠다.
Dialogue Practice
A : Is that a picture of your granddaughter?
B : Yes, isn't she adorable?
A : She has the smile of an angel.
B : I just can't get enough of her.
A : I know the feeling. Is she your first grandchild?
B : Yes, she is. I can't wait for her to grow up healthy, so we can play together hand in hand.
오늘의 암기문장
I have to kick the habit of snacking late at night.
밤늦게 군것질하는 습관을 버려야겠다.
She has the smile of an angel.
웃는 모습이 정말 천사 같아요.
전날 스크립트 낭독
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