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5/22 'For Whom Did We Move?' EBS 입이 트이는 영어(입트영) 영어공부

My Daily Routine

  • 새벽 책 읽기 1시간 - 「세이노의 가르침」
  • 'EBS 입이 트이는 영어' 본방송 듣기 (For Whom Did We Move?) 
  • 자기 전 '입트영' 낭독
  • 부동산 공부

EBS 입이 트이는 영어 5월호

EBS 입이 트이는 영어

입트영 방송시간 

본방송 [월~토] 06:40~07:00

재방송 [월~토] 25:20~25:40

            [토~일] 19:00~20:00 (토: 월~수 / 일: 목~토)


입트영 다시 듣기 - EBS 반디

[월~토] 08:40(전일), 09:40(당일), 12:40(전일), 13:40(당일), 19:40(당일), 20:40(전일), 24:40(당일)

[토요일] 11:00~12:00(전주 월~수 재방) /   18:00~19:00(전주 목~토 재방)

[일요일] 19:00~21:00(종합 재방)

EBS 반디 ios 다운로드

EBS 반디 Android 다운로드

입트영 공부법

  • 전날 스크립트 낭독 (06:10~06:20)
  • 본방송 스크립트 읽어보기 (06:20~06:40)
  • 본방송 듣기 (06:40~7:00)
  • 스크립트 필사 & 중요 표현 암기
  • 자기 전 낭독
  • 주말 복습


For Whom Did We Move?


My spouse and I struggled with childcare as we settled down in Busan, where we had no relatives. To address the problem, we moved to an apartment very close to the school entrance around the time our second child was to enter grade school. Our eldest was in second grade at the time, and we believed that taking care of the children would be much easier if he simply transferred to the new school.

However, when we tried to transfer our eldest after we finished moving in, he flatly refused to do so. So, we had no choice but to enroll our second child in the same elementary school as the eldest. Even though we had an elementary school right in front of our apartment, we had to shoulder the burden of driving our kids to another school about 15 minutes away by car every morning.

Time passed, and our eldest was assigned to the middle school next to the elementary school. That means I have to take him there on my way to work. Our plan to make childcare easier has gone sideways, and we are living in what seems like a constant battle.

EBS 입이 트이는 영어 다시 듣기

Dialogue Practice


1. struggle with childcare : 육아로 힘들어하다 


My spouse and I struggled with childcare as we settled down in Busan.

우리 부부는 부산에 자리 잡으면서 아이들의 육아가 큰 숙제였다.


Many working couples struggle with childcare.

많은 맞벌이 부부들이 육아로 힘들어한다.


My mom came to live with us because we were struggling with childcare.

우리가 육아로 힘들어해서 엄마가 우리와 함께 살기 위해 오셨다.


2. flatly refuse : 완강히 거부하다.


He flatly refused to transfer to a new school.

그는 새로운 학교로 전학 가기를 완강히 거부했다.


I asked politely, but she flatly refused.

나는 정중히 부탁했지만, 그녀는 단호히 거부했다.


He flatly refused to try it.

그는 시도해 보기를 완강히 거부했다.


3. go sideways : 계획이 틀어지다, 차질이 생기다 


Our plan to make childcare easier has gone sideways.

아이 양육을 편하게 하려고 했던 우리의 계획이 틀어졌다.


Our plan went sideways almost immediately.

우리의 계획은 거의 시작하자마자 틀어졌다.


The entire project went sideways because of that mistake.

그 실수로 인해 프로젝트가 통째로 틀어졌다.


Pattern Practice 

A : Do your kids walk to school in the morning?


B : I drop them off on my way to work.


A : Isn't the school within walking distance?


B : It is, but one of them refused to transfer, so we have no choice but to do it this way.


A : Oh, that must be hard for you every morning.


B : Tell me about it. It's like fighting a battle every morning.

오늘의 암기문장

I asked politely, but she flatly refused.

나는 정중히 부탁했지만, 그녀는 단호히 거부했다.


전날 스크립트 낭독


5/21 'Camino de Santiago' EBS 입이 트이는 영어(입트영) 영어공부

My Daily Routine새벽 책 읽기 1시간  'EBS 입이 트이는 영어' 본방송 듣기 (Camino de Santiago) 자기 전 '입트영' 낭독부동산 공부EBS 입이 트이는 영어 5월호입트영 방송시간 본방송 [월~토] 06:40~07:00재방
