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8/8 'Moving to a Rented Apartment ' EBS 입이 트이는 영어(입트영) 영어공부

My Daily Routine

  • 새벽 책 읽기 1시간 
  • 'EBS 입이 트이는 영어' 본방송 듣기 (Moving to a Rented Apartment
  • 자기 전 '입트영' 낭독
  • 부동산 공부

EBS 입이 트이는 영어 8월호

EBS 입이 트이는 영어

입트영 방송시간 

본방송 [월~토] 06:40~07:00

재방송 [월~토] 25:20~25:40

            [토~일] 19:00~20:00 (토: 월~수 / 일: 목~토)


 입트영 다시 듣기 - EBS 반디

[월~토] 08:40(전일), 09:40(당일), 12:40(전일), 13:40(당일), 19:40(당일), 20:40(전일), 24:40(당일)

[토요일] 11:00~12:00(전주 월~수 재방) /   18:00~19:00(전주 목~토 재방)

[일요일] 19:00~21:00(종합 재방)

EBS 반디 ios 다운로드

EBS 반디 Android 다운로드

입트영 공부법

  • 전날 스크립트 낭독 (06:10~06:20)
  • 본방송 스크립트 읽어보기 (06:20~06:40)
  • 본방송 듣기 (06:40~7:00)
  • 스크립트 필사 & 중요 표현 암기
  • 자기 전 낭독
  • 주말 복습


Moving to a Rented Apartment  


I am a mother of two daughters, celebrating 8 years of marriage. My husband and I have moved three times since we got married, and we are about to embark on our fourth move.

We have moved for various reasons over the years. After living in our first home as newlyweds, we moved closer to my parents' home after our first child was born. But we weren't satisfied with the new house. There was mold and mildew, as well as condensation issues that we had not been aware of.

So, two years later, we found a comfortable new apartment to rent with a lump sum deposit, and we moved again. At the time, we spent a lot of time at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and we were very satisfied with the apartment. But we moved again after just two years because of our plans to sell the apartment we owned.

It's been two years since we moved to our current home. We will soon be moving again because we want to provide our children with a good educational environment. We hope to stay in our next home for a long time.


Pattern Practice


1. for various reasons : 여러 이유로 


We have moved for various reasons over the years.

우리는 그동안 여러 이유 때문에 이사를 해 왔습니다.


People attend college for various reasons.

사람들은 각자 다른 이유로 대학에 진학한다.


I made that decision for various reasons.

나는 여러 이유로 그런 결정을 내렸다.

2. rent with a lump sum deposit : 전세로 임대하다.


Two years later, we found a comfortable new apartment to rent with a lump sum deposit.

2년 후 우리는 전세로 임대할 수 있는 쾌적한 새 아파트를 찾았습니다.


There are no apartments available to rent with a lump sum deposit.

전세로 임대할 수 있는 아파트가 없다.


Fewer people rent with a lump sum deposit these days.

요즘은 전세로 집을 임대하는 사람들이 줄어들었다.


3. spend a lot of time at home : 집에서 많은 시간을 보내다 


We spent a lot of time at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

코로나19 팬데믹으로 인해 집에 머무르는 시간이 많았습니다.


I usually spend a lot of time at home on weekends.

나는 주말에는 보통 집에서 많은 시간을 보낸다.


I love going outdoors, but my husband spends a lot of time at home.

나는 바깥에 나가는 걸 좋아하지만, 남편은 주로 집에서 많은 시간을 보낸다.

Dialogue Practice


A : Are you all set for the move?


B : Yes, l've more or less packed all my important stuff.


A : The rest will be taken care of by the full-service movers, right?


B : That's right. I've lost count of how many times we've moved.


A : Moving can be quite a hassle.


B : I really hope we can stay in our new home for a while this time.



전날 스크립트 낭독


8/7 'Buying a Used Car' EBS 입이 트이는 영어(입트영) 영어공부

My Daily Routine새벽 책 읽기 1시간 'EBS 입이 트이는 영어' 본방송 듣기 (Buying a Used Car) 자기 전 '입트영' 낭독부동산 공부EBS 입이 트이는 영어 8월호 입트영 방송시간 본방송 [월~토] 06:40~07:00재방
