My Daily Routine
- 새벽 책 읽기 1시간
- 'EBS 입이 트이는 영어' 본방송 듣기 (How I Study English)
- 자기 전 '입트영' 낭독
- 부동산 공부
EBS 입이 트이는 영어 9월호

입트영 방송시간
본방송 [월~토] 06:40~07:00
재방송 [월~토] 25:20~25:40
[토~일] 19:00~20:00 (토: 월~수 / 일: 목~토)
입트영 다시 듣기 - EBS 반디
[월~토] 08:40(전일), 09:40(당일), 12:40(전일), 13:40(당일), 19:40(당일), 20:40(전일), 24:40(당일)
[토요일] 11:00~12:00(전주 월~수 재방) / 18:00~19:00(전주 목~토 재방)
[일요일] 19:00~21:00(종합 재방)
입트영 공부법
- 전날 스크립트 낭독 (06:10~06:20)
- 본방송 스크립트 읽어보기 (06:20~06:40)
- 본방송 듣기 (06:40~7:00)
- 스크립트 필사 & 중요 표현 암기
- 자기 전 낭독
- 주말 복습
How I Study English
In September 2020, I moved to a job at a foreign company. Meetings with corporate headquarters about our products were held in English every other week, and they were a major challenge for me.
So, exactly 10 years since college graduation, I resumed my English studies.
As I was weighing different study methods, I thought EBS's "입트영" would be just the thing because I needed to improve my speaking skills immediately.
I've been listening to the show continuously using the Bandi app, during my commute and breaks at work.
I decided to memorize all the passages from the study material until I could never forget them. At work, I practiced by writing them down on paper.
It's been about three years since then. I even surprised myself because my memorization speed has improved dramatically. The sense of accomplishment I get from achieving something has become a source of energy that keeps me studying English diligently.
Pattern Practice
1. improve one's speaking skills : 말하기 능력을 키우다
I needed to improve my speaking skills immediately.
나는 당장 말하기 능력을 키워야 했다.
Practicing is the only way to improve your speaking skills.
연습만이 말하기 능력을 키울 수 있는 유일한 방법이다.
The trip helped me improve my speaking skills.
그 여행은 내가 말하기 능력을 키우는 데 도움이 되었다.
2. during one's commute : 출퇴근길에
I've been listening to the show continuously using the Bandi app during my commute.
출퇴근길에 반디앱을 이용해서 프로그램을 계속 청취하는 중이다.
I try to get some sleep during my commute.
나는 출퇴근길에 가급적 눈을 좀 붙이려고 한다.
I usually play mobile games during my commute.
나는 평소 출퇴근길에 모바일 게임을 한다.
3. improve dramatically : 크게 향상되다
My memorization speed has improved dramatically.
나의 암기 속도가 엄청 빨라졌다.
His condition improved dramatically last month.
지난달에 그의 상태가 크게 호전되었다.
The product's performance improved dramatically this year.
제품의 성능이 올해 크게 향상되었다.
Dialogue Practice
A : Wow, your English book is all worn out.
B : Yeah, I've been carrying it around constantly, trying to memorize entire passages.
A : Your dedication is really impressive.
B : Memorizing even a single passage was tough at first, but it's become much easier.
A : I have trouble memorizing things. How do you do it?
B : I write everything down. I've already filled up more than four notebooks that way.
전날 스크립트 낭독
9/27 'My Urban Sketches' EBS 입이 트이는 영어 (입트영) 영어공부
My Daily Routine새벽 책 읽기 1시간 'EBS 입이 트이는 영어' 본방송 듣기 (My Urban Sketches) 자기 전 '입트영' 낭독부동산 공부EBS 입이 트이는 영어 9월호 입트영 방송시간 본방송 [월~토] 06:40~07:00재방
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