My Daily Routine
- 미라클 모닝
- 새벽 책 읽기 1시간 - 「부동산 공화국 생존지식」 허혁재
- 'EBS 입이 트이는 영어' 본방송 듣기 (Traveling in Daejeon)
- 자기 전 '입트영' 낭독
- 부동산 공부 (강의 복습)
EBS 입이 트이는 영어 2월호
본방송 [월~토] 06:40~ 07:00
재방송 [월~토] 25:20~25:40
[토~일] 19:00~20:00 (토: 월~수 / 일: 목~토)
EBS 반디
[월~토] 08:40(전일), 09:40(당일), 12:40(전일), 13:40(당일), 19:40(당일), 20:40(전일), 24:40(당일)
[토요일] 11:00~12:00(전주 월~수 재방) / 18:00~19:00(전주 목~토 재방)
[일요일] 19:00~21:00(종합 재방)
입트영 공부법
- 전날 스크립트 낭독 (06:10~06:20)
- 본방송 스크립트 읽어보기 (06:20~06:40)
- 본방송 듣기 (06:40~7:00)
- 스크립트 필사 & 중요 표현 암기
- 자기 전 낭독
- 주말 복습
Traveling in Daejeon
I made travel plans with a close friend since high school to celebrate each other's birthdays. Since we live far apart in Seoul and Ulsan, we chose the midway point of Daejoen as our destination. I was really looking forward to it because I had never set foot in Daejeon before. I boarded the train and met my friend at Daejeon Station.
For lunch, we headed to a noodle place that serves knife-cut noodles. It was bustling with people when we arrived. When we finally tasted the food after a long wait, we were really impressed. It made me understand why people keep going to must-eat restaurants.
Next, we went to a coffee shop on the 38th floor of a high-rise building. As we soaked up the view of Daejeon, we talked about how we'd been lately and discussed our plans for the future.
Pattern Practice
1. make travel plans : 여행 계획을 세우다
I made travel plans with a close friend since high school.
고등학교 때부터 친했던 친구와 여행 계획을 세웠습니다.
I haven't made travel plans for my vacation yet.
휴가 때 다녀올 여행 계획을 아직 세우지 못했다.
I like to visit a library when I make travel plans.
나는 도서관에 가서 여행 계획을 세우는 것을 좋아한다.
2. have never set foot in : ~에 가본 적이 없다
I had never set foot in Daejeon before.
저는 대전 땅을 밟아 본 적이 없었습니다.
I had never set foot in such a large building before.
나는 그전에는 그렇게 큰 건물에 들어가 본 적이 없었다.
Many people have never set foot in a library.
도서관에 한 번도 가 본 적이 없는 사람들도 많다.
3. must-eat restaurant : 맛집
It made me understand why people keep going to must-eat restaurants.
이래서 사람들이 맛집에 계속 오는구나 싶었습니다.
I see why people say it's a must-eat restaurant.
사람들이 왜 맛집이라고 말하는지 알겠다.
There is a must-eat restaurant near the hotel.
호텔에서 멀지 않은 곳에 맛집이 있다.
Dialogue Practice
A : What did you do over the weekend?
B : I met up with a close high school friend for the first time in ages.
A : Oh, really?
B : Yes, it had been a year since we last met, so I was really happy to see her.
A : Where did you meet?
B : We live far apart from each other, so we met right in the middle.
오늘의 암기문장
we live far apart.
우리는 멀리 떨어져 산다.
전날 스크립트 낭독
'영어공부' 카테고리의 다른 글
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